Friday, April 15, 2016

Telling Time

Objective: Students will know how to tell and write time by looking at a hand and digital clock.

Standard Objective 5: Use technology tools (e.g., multimedia authoring, presentation, web tools, digital cameras, scanners) for individual and collaborative writing, communication, and publishing activities to create knowledge products for audiences inside and outside the classroom.
  • Knowing how to cut videos shorter, ask questions as they watch the videos, and be able to talk to the students as they go through the video is super helpful! This was definitely one of the tools that I will use as I go into teaching. It is so helpful as we are moving into an increasing technology world, where those are the things the students will be able to relate to. 
  • I think the kids will love doing this. It will be a different way for them to learn and get to use the technology they are around all day and probably know how to use very well. This would help some students want to do their homework more because it's not just another assignment on paper and it is really easy for me to see what they were able to catch onto and what needs some more help. 
  • I am planning on using this at the very beginning to teach them about how to tell time. This video tells all the parts of a clock and how you say what you see on the clock. It goes through it step by step and he says it as the kids can see what he is doing. This could also be used at the end to wrap up how to tell time and see how much they were able to remember and if I need to go over anything before we move onto the next topic.

If you want to go by link:
Telling Time

Thursday, April 14, 2016

End of the Year Newsletter

Objective: Parents and students will be able to know of the events and news that will be happening for the end of the school year. 

Standard Objective 5: Use technology tools (e.g., multimedia authoring, presentation, web tools, digital cameras, scanners) for individual and collaborative writing, communication, and publishing activities to create knowledge products for audiences inside and outside the classroom.
  • Knowing how to create a newsletter is going to be such a useful thing as I go into an elementary school. I will for sure use this tool as I continue in my career. I am really glad that this tool was available for me to learn how to use.
  • I don't think that the student's need to know how to use this. It took a lot of time and it is too high up in technology for them to be able to use. I think this is great for teachers and in higher education but definitely not for elementary students.
  • I will change this newsletter for each month but my plan is to give it out at the beginning of the month. That way the parents will know about the things going on in the classroom and if there is anything I need to know about by the end of the month, they will have plenty of time to get it to me. 
End of the Year Newsletter

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Water Cycle

Objective: Students will be able to understand the different parts of the Water Cycle and be able to tell what each part does. 

Standard Objective 5: Use technology tools (e.g., multimedia authoring, presentation, web tools, digital cameras, scanners) for individual and collaborative writing, communication, and publishing activities to create knowledge products for audiences inside and outside the classroom.
  • Learning how to use a Mind Map was very fun and interesting. I really enjoyed learning how to use this tool and I will for sure this tool later. This tool is super fun and could be used for many different lesson plans and it will be a good way to help the kids learn in different ways.
  • I don't think little kids would be able to use this tool by themselves but if they had adult help I think they could have a lot of fun. The older kids would be able to use this and it could help them learn in a more fun and interactive way.
  • I would use this presentation to either show at the beginning when they are just learning the material or at the end to rap up and see how much they have learned. It would be good in many different situations and would be a good way to mix up the routine and learn from a different tool that they could see in their every day lives. 

Monday, March 28, 2016

Smart Cookie Party!

Objective: To let parents/family know about the end of year party where the kids will show all that they have learned from 1st grade.

Standard Objective 5: Use technology tools (e.g., multimedia authoring, presentation, web tools, digital cameras, scanners) for individual and collaborative writing, communication, and publishing activities to create knowledge products for audiences inside and outside the classroom.
  • Knowing how to make a flyer was really helpful! I am pretty sure that I will use this as time goes on. Not just for education but this tool can be used for almost any activity, event, etc. This is a great way to let parents and the students know about what is going on in class and these flyers can be used in many different ways in the classroom. 
  • I think letting first graders try and make a flyer would be kind of complicated for them. There are a lot of steps and I could see many ways where they would get frustrated and quit. When they get older and can do more things on their own then I think this would be a great tool for them to get familiar with. 
  • I am planning on using this flyer to give to each of the child's parents. It tells them all of the details of what we will be doing, important times, when it is, and what it is we are trying to accomplish with it. 
Smart Cookie Flyer

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Phases of the Moon

Objective: The students will learn the different phases of the moon, will be able to tell the differences, and will know which part of the moon we see on earth.

Standard Objective 8: Use technology resources (e.g., calculators, data collection probes, videos, educational software) for problem-solving, self-directed learning, and extended learning activities.
  • This was a really fun tool to learn and I am pretty sure I will use this one as I continue my education degree. It has so many options, different styles, and different ways you could use it to teach your students. I will for sure keep this one in mind.
  • As the students grow older I think they could for sure use this tool for presentation projects or just showing information about a topic. It would create an easy assignment for me and it would help the students to be creative. It also helps that it is free. I'm not sure the younger kids would be able to use it because they are still learning important skills that they need to know before this tool can become useful to them. 
  • I'm not entirely sure when I would use this because I feel that it could go anywhere. It could go at the beginning when introducing the topic, become a review as you continue to talk about it or it could be used at the end to wrap it up and quiz them to see how much they have learned. Right now, I am thinking to use it to introduce them to the topic. It is simple and tells them what each thing is and adds a fun way to learn something new. 

Monday, March 7, 2016

All about Martin Luther King Jr.

Objective: Students will know who Martin Luther King Jr. is and why we celebrate this day every year and why he is important.

Standard Objective 5: Use technology tools (e.g., multimedia authoring, presentation, web tools, digital cameras, scanners) for individual and collaborative writing, communication, and publishing activities to create knowledge products for audiences inside and outside the classroom. 
  • This tool was very good to learn but it takes a lot of time to create something using this tool. I think this has a good purpose for certain topics, like showing a history of an event, person, animal, etc. It has some good uses but it is only effective if used in the proper setting. 
  • I think the kids would like learning from this because it is a different type of learning style. It would be a good thing to mix up in the schedule so that they don't get bored and stop paying attention. I also think this tool needs to be short and sweet because even a timeline can go on forever and students will stop paying attention.
  • I was planning on using this tool to introduce to them who Martin Luther King Jr. was and what he did that changed everything. Going from there it would be good to give them a paper and have them write down a couple of facts about him. Then once that is done, I think drawing him and making a book out of the facts they found of him would really help the kids to understand how important he was and what he did for many people. 

Monday, February 29, 2016

Weather & Seasons

Objective: Students will be able to tell what the different seasons are and what weather fits into each season.

Educational Technology Standard 5: Use technology tools (e.g., multimedia authoring, presentation, web tools, digital cameras, scanners) for individual and collaborative writing, communication, and publishing activities to create knowledge products for audiences inside and outside the classroom.

  • This tool was fun to learn how to use because it is a lot like a power point but it has some different features and designs to it. I can see me using this tool as time goes on but not all the time or it will get boring and the kids will loose interest in what I am trying to teach them. 
  • I think the students would like to use this as a part of their learning but it would need to be for small amounts of time. There is only so long that a child can sit still and look at a slide show and pay attention. It will be best used in fun ways to capture and keep their attention for a little bit. 
  • I am using this power point to introduce the topic of weather and the seasons. It could also be modified to be a quiz or a review over the topic. It is a good way to get the kids into the topic and have some interaction as they start into any new topic that they have heard before but haven't gone deep into. I think it is a nice way to get kids into the technology that is around them and it is a pretty simple tool that they could learn how to use it. 
Weather & Seasons